Search engine friendly websites)

Search Engine Friendly Websites

Search engine optimised websites

"The objective of search engine friendly websites is to satisfy a commercial need that dates back to the first ever commercial venture; that of maximising and optimising the visibility and accessibility of products or services on offer to potential customers."

Over the last twenty years the web has grown to become a formidable retail and commercial outlet, and search engine friendly websites successfully exploit this virtual outlet by ensuring they are prominently placed within it.

A search engine friendly website for a business, presents products and services in a manner that is clear, unambiguous and focused. It ensures that potential customers find what they are looking for, no matter how obscure or ubiquitous. It ensures these items are found quickly with as few clicks of the mouse as possible. Furthermore a well designed website provides supporting content that assures the prospective customer that the owner of the search engine optimised site is competent in this area, and is trustworthy.

When successful, a search engine friendly website appears on the first page of the popular search engine listings for some given chosen search term. The following gives an example of how we search engine optimise customers sites.

Search engine friendly example

Suppose you run a small precision engineering outfit in Sheffield; the UK's engineering capital, and you want potential new customers to locate your business easily. What is the best course of action?

Invest in billboards around the city, leaflet likely businesses, buy a list of contacts and phone them, pay a large sum to a marketing company and wait for the payback if any?

These traditional approaches, though often effective with some market sectors can be expensive and/or time consuming to impliment. Furthermore, what if they fail to target those businesses that are most likely to lead to subsequent contracts?

The Search Engine Friendly Approach (Search Engine Optimisation)

An alternative approach is to make your business prominent on the web, and let customers come to you. This is the approach we adopt for our website customers. The following is a good example.

BPH Engineering of Sheffield requested a website to showcase their work, and promote their business via Google.

We gathered together photographs of their work, their marketing material, and stationary, and produced a website to reflect the nature of their work and their corporate style. Building the site from scratch we were also able to search engine optimise the site.

BPH are experts at manual machining and cnc machining, and it was agreed that these should be likely search terms for users searching for these services on Google.

By fine tuning the content of the website we were able to place in the #1 slot and high on the first page for "manual machining sheffield" and "cnc machining sheffield" respectively.

The BPH website is highly visible on the web. The site illustrates BPH's expertise, and is an asset to the company in its marketing and sales efforts. In comparison, many of its competitors websites cannot be found in Google or any other search engine. A website must be highly visible for it to benefit the owner with increased sales. Otherwise why have one? Contact us at Meadowlark if you have any questions regarding search engine optimising your site.

The Search Engine Friendly Website Approach

Potential customers use the web extensively, to pay their bills to check the weather, to conduct research, to contact friends, and increasingly they use it to find suppliers. They no longer rely so much on printed business directories as these are often out of date, or not available. Why bother when thousands of potential suppliers are accessible from their web browser. A search engine friendly website ensures that you as a supplier can easily be found too. bph engineering As mobile phones become more sophisticated, the value of search engine friendly websites will increase as users search the web from these devices too, from anywhere via their mobile networks. They are no longer tethered to the nearest web connected PC, they search for what they want "on the hoof". And so it is inevitable that PCs as we know them will decline sharply in use.

Search engine friendly website example Search engine friendly website example